The flautist was based on the flautist decorating the Etruscan Tomb of the Leopards in Tarquinia. It was a beautifully decorated burial chamber and despite the fact that it was approx. 2500 years old in remarkably good condition.
The flautist was part of a painted scene going around the wall of the tomb featuring a band of musicians entertaining at a banquet.
I decided to try and represent the flautist in stitch.
The embroidery was made from material collage on a hand painted background. The plants were printed with a hand made stamp and the borders were commercial stamps.The background was embroidered by machine and hand stitching.
The double flute was probably bone so I tried to reproduce it by using heat-treated lutradur.
I visited the Etruscan sites in Italy just before lockdown and that was my last holiday.
Perhaps if the situation keeps improving I might be able to travel again.